Use spring time to turn a personal goal into reality.

It might have been blurting out a New Year’s resolution to friends or simply a quiet ‘note-to-self’ that this year is the one for achieving a personal goal or trying a different experience, but it’s often Spring when these promises start to be put into action.

And why not. After all Spring is the season when nature is at its most uplifting and people naturally feel a buoyed sense of ‘anything’s possible’. 

You can’t help but be inspired on bright sunny days when the trees and grass are so vibrantly green and everything seems to be striving forwards – whether it’s newly borne lambs getting to grips with standing or wildflowers springing up in meadows.

It could be that you’ve long harboured a fear of travelling solo to join a group of strangers on a weekend adventure and now want to overcome that apprehension. Or it could be that you’re unsure whether you’re cut out for back-to-back days filled with walking. 

Either way, we see a lot of new faces joining our spring trips particularly those specifically aimed at introducing people to group walking and the whole Large Outdoors experience. 

The biggest fears we see among our newbies is the concern that they’ll hold the group back or the lack of belief that they’re good enough walkers to enjoy the experience. Well let’s put that one to rest here and now! 

Instead be inspired by the springtime lambs that go from shaky to confident in an amazingly short time and join one of our newbies weekends. For instance this spring you can explore the Shropshire countryside around Ironbridge or the quiet backwater of Dudmaston for two days’ of leisurely walking; or venture into Snowdonia for equally leisurely walks where you get to experience the mountain scenery but without having to tackle any big climbs. 

The key thing to remember is that you’re not the only one facing those fears and we have never yet seen a group that hasn’t gelled by the end of a weekend. 

Of course, your personal goal could be to test yourself on tougher routes. Again a spring time trip is perfect for testing yourself as you might find that success on one of these initial adventures leads to you re-thinking subsequent outings for the rest of the year, and beyond. 

Fancy tackling more mountainous terrain during a 12-mile hike? Then there’s the Brecon Beacons beckoning. 

Or how about an introduction to scrambling with a trip to Snowdonia where we take a small group up onto mountains to learn the art of scampering up a section of craggy slope using our hands as well as feet. Believe us when we say there’s an immense sense of achievement and much ‘high-fiving’ when the group are introduced to this do-able but exhilarating way of moving about a mountainside.

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